They thought.....

Oh God, this is my first article in this year, 2014. Wow! *clap clap clap*

It has been a long long long time not writing here. Do you think that I'm too busy?
Seems like too busy, in fact, the reality was not telling like that. I'm just too busy at enjoying my laziness. In a meanwhile feel like I lost my passion to achieve my dreams. Due to face the reality or just called as stuck on comfort zone and blank for the next step *lol*
(God, please give me your bless for going out from current zone to better zone. Amen)

At this moment, I'm wondering why many people still judge someone or something based on their/its race. Too racial. I disagree with that. I believe that someone grown up not just because their race which existed in their blood. There are many things to encourage someone character such as education, environment, and also their experiences.

I love culture. I love traditional things. Until now I'm still thinking to learn about culture but in some seconds later I realize that my phase is over cause many things more important to do =(

I came from Batak family. Almost 90% of my family are bataknese. But I do not know why I don't want to apply all tradition in my personal life. Also, Thank God, my parents never forced me to follow all tradition include never making rule to marry with Batak men. Hahaha!

Maybe because of I was born in Jakarta so my feel and soul of tradition not growing strong. But it's not fair dude if you judge anything or anyone for its race. Does not mean Padangnese were stingy. Does not mean Bataknese had bad tempered. Does not Javanese mean do anything slowly.

I'm not telling that there's no race factor in someone character. It's existed but not 100%. So why many people still forbid their family is having friends, to marry, or another connection type with other races?

Please let us follow the "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"
